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  • Inheritance


    I'm currently messing around with shift-layers, I want to disable Shift-Layer 1, from inheriting a "long press" input from the Main Layer, however, I'm unable to do so, as I do not see the option for "Do not inherit" in the "long press" tab. I

    I only see the option to disable inheritance, in the single press tab, is there a work-around for this?

  • #2
    Remap the [Single Press] activator to whatever you need or to [Do not inherit], and have the [Hold Press] activator remapped to [None] on that Shift layer.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Support Agent View Post
      Remap the [Single Press] activator to whatever you need or to [Do not inherit], and have the [Hold Press] activator remapped to [None] on that Shift layer.
      Thanks for the quick reply,

      It seems that everything I change in the shift layer, is inherited to the main layer, so even when I set [Hold Press] to [None] in shift-layer 1, the [Hold Press] activator is also set to [None] in the main layer​


      • #4
        Do you have the [Hold Press] activator also act as a Shift Jumper? In that case, the mappings must be identical for this activator on both Layers. This limitation cannot be avoided.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Support Agent View Post
          Do you have the [Hold Press] activator also act as a Shift Jumper? In that case, the mappings must be identical for this activator on both Layers. This limitation cannot be avoided.
          Long press is not a shift jumper, however, double press activator is a shift jumper, could that be the problem as to why I'm unable to bind long press to different buttons in the main layer and shift layer?


          • #6
            This is not a problem but a technical limitation: when a [Hold/Double/Triple Press] activator is used as a Shift Jump, all mappings on this button must be identical between this and the target Shift.

