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I can't use gyro

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  • I can't use gyro

    My gyro can't be set for left stick and I want to use it for f1 23. The color turning to red and I can't fix that please help me.Click image for larger version

Name:	Ekran görüntüsü 2024-03-28 095433.png
Views:	471
Size:	4.4 KB
ID:	242324

  • #2
    Hey there!

    This is because you have "Apply to physical" selected in your Output device settings. Such mappings cannot be applied when using "Apply to physical".

    If you want to remap your gyro to the left stick, then you need to go to Output device settings and select the virtual controller that will be created when applying the config.


    • #3
      It would be great if you can either allow mapping gyro to stick for physical OR have DualSense Virtual

      F1 23 support haptic feedback and adaptive trigger on DualSense ... so to have gyro steering AND these feature, need one of the above


      • #4
        Unfortunately, at the moment reWASD cannot emulate the virtual DualSense.
        Perhaps this feature will be available in the future, but we do not have an ETA.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by strokel View Post
          Hey there!

          This is because you have "Apply to physical" selected in your Output device settings. Such mappings cannot be applied when using "Apply to physical".

          If you want to remap your gyro to the left stick, then you need to go to Output device settings and select the virtual controller that will be created when applying the config.
          Thank for your help but now I can't use my gamepad like a steering wheel I turn gamepad to left but the steering wheel in the game just turning slightly and reset to center. I want to turn the game's steering wheel continue to turn as much as I turning the gamepad.


          • #6
            To prevent the remapped gyro stick from recentering to the neutral position, select the "Tilt" mode and go to Preferences in the Gamepads section to ensure that your Gyro's initial state is turned off.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Ivasstroman82
              It would be fantastic if you could either enable mapping gyro to stick for physical controllers or introduce DualSense Virtual support. Considering that F1 2023 supports haptic feedback and adaptive triggers on the DualSense controller, in order to have gyro steering along with these features, one of the aforementioned options would be necessary.​
              As strokel mentioned earlier, reWASD currently does not have the ability to emulate DualSense, and this is not a priority feature for upcoming updates. However, we will take into account your wishes. Thank you.


              • #8
                Hi! Fix has been added in version 9.0

