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how do i fix this?

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  • how do i fix this?

    i was trying to play apex with rewasd and it wasn't working

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	802
Size:	184.9 KB
ID:	243015

  • #2
    There is nothing to fix. This is normal.

    Since Apex Legends forbids usage of reWASD, we decided to turn remap off from our side once the game is detected to remove the necessity to uninstall reWASD every time.

    If you want this situation to change, please contact Apex Legends support team.


    • #3
      On the other hand, this is exactly the type of user who is giving reWASD a bad name. Not only is it clear that the user is spoofing a controller on keyboard and mouse to take advantage of the aim assist but vortexM1, the maker of this config as denoted by the config name, is one of the people making configs that removes recoil from games. Honestly if I were reWASD I'd start taking a hard look at the Community Configs and removing any for online games that support this type of cheating. It wouldn't be a bad idea to start with getting rid of vortex1M's configs:

      I understand that this won't get rid of the people that would abuse reWASD's systems but it provides better optics and forces people to look elsewhere, which should mean less people find these types of configs.

