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Rewasd not working 100% on playnite or yuzu

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  • Rewasd not working 100% on playnite or yuzu

    First of all, thank you for the program, since it is very well done and has many options.
    I am new to rewasd and I am trying to create a console with my PC for my niece, for now I have installed playnite, yuzu and moonlight for streaming, the xbox controller works well on windows desktop, it does all the functions, but when I enter playnite or yuzu not everything works, that is, the central xbox button with ctrl+Q works correctly (ctrl+q = configured in yuzu to exit) but if I activate ctrl+11 (a shortcut with batch script with several taskkill) this does not work, I tried with a normal button... shift layer... nothing, I have no way but on the desktop it works without problems, the same happens to me within playnite.

    I am just looking for an emergency solution in case yuzu fails at some point to be able to close everything without having to use the keyboard and mouse.

    I leave screenshots:​
    Attached Files

  • #2
    but if I activate ctrl+11 (a shortcut with batch script with several taskkill) this does not work
    Windows shortcut attached to that file, I suppose? If yes, please note that Windows keyboard shortcuts do not work in full-screen mode.


    • #3
      If it is a shortcut, I understand that rewasd cannot run applications, right? Can you think of any other solution? My intention is to be able to close yuzu when it crashes.


      • #4
        If it is a shortcut, I understand that rewasd cannot run applications, right?
        If you are using Windows shortcuts(which you activate via reWASD) to launch a batch script, then that's just how Windows shortcuts work.

        Can you think of any other solution?
        Unfortunately, no alternatives come to mind(except for using applications not in full-screen mode).


        • #5
          Can try sending Alt+F4 to force app to quit (normally works better that shortcut for exits)

          Alternatively ... you can try AutoHotkey app (it's free) to listen to certain keys that you send from rewasd and execute batch script when it detect it

