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REWASD and AMD Adrenaline

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  • REWASD and AMD Adrenaline

    I believe REWASD is interfering with AMD Adrenaline game detection.
    Somehow AMD Adrenaline Software is detecting REWASD as a game. Sometimes it creates a profile called hitman pro for REWASD.
    Its very strange. I just know something funky is up with Adrenaline and Game detection. It may not be REWASD at all but a driver issue.

    I updated to latest version of REWASD.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Adrenaline REWASD.png
Views:	412
Size:	683.3 KB
ID:	244232

  • #2
    Thanks for letting us know about that issue.
    We will try to reproduce it and see if it can be fixed on our side.


    • #3
      Hello, i have the same problem:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	284
Size:	36.8 KB
ID:	244279

      I've also seen the "Hitman Pro" issue and found a reddit thread describing it:

      Maybe some combination of a recent ReWASD version and AMD driver update?

      Thanks in advance.


      • #4
        Hey there!

        Could you please clarify the exact reWASD version you have installed?


        • #5
          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	281
Size:	29.2 KB
ID:	244282

          I can confirm this Hitman Pro issue myself. Currently running rewasd 8.0.2 and Adrenalin still detects it as Hitman Pro, which appears to be some random unrelated application

          I personally don't mind this much, though, and didn't bother reporting it because I assumed it was something on AMD's end going wrong. As far as I know, Adrenalin essentially "guesses" what the running application is, and in most cases it gets it right. It just doesn't in this situation


          • #6
            It's a bug on AMD Adrenaline's side, which, unfortunately, cannot be fixed on our end. Thank you for your understanding.


            • #7
              Could you guys perhaps try getting in direct contact with AMD to have them fix this? This is breaking the game profiles. And it is not a good workaround to uninstall reWASD.


              • #8
                I think that in this case it would be better for the user to first try to contact AMD support, since this issue is not widespread. Since it is quite possible that our appeal to their support will not differ in importance from the appeal of their direct users.


                • #9
                  I have posted about this issue in the AMD community – perhaps someone would like to join in to give it a bit more weight.


                  • #10
                    I found a workaround for now:

                    - disable the autostart for reWASD
                    - reboot PC

                    From now on:
                    - start reWASD
                    - start a Game (start is detected within adrenalin)
                    - exit reWASD
                    - exit Game (exit is detected within adrenalin)
                    ...and repeat

                    Exiting a Game when reWASD is still running -> exit is not detected within adreanalin
                    Stopping of reWASD will end the game in adrenalin.

                    The amd support is informed - hope they will provide a fix any time soon.

