New reWASD version is here, and it has a massive list of improvements and fixes. Let us quickly tell about new perks that have rolled out today.
PS3 Navigation controller support
New controllers are always welcomed in reWASD, aren't they?
This time we are happy to announce that you can remap, tune, adjust and improve your PS3 Nav gamepad with the latest app version.
Windows 10 version 1903
Big spring Windows 10 update is not ready for the production yet, but we have already prepared for all kernel changes that it will bring. Be sure to update your controller mapper once you install 1903 in May or if you are in Insider Preview Program.
Xbox controller emulated by ViGEm driver
ViGEm is an open-source driver that emulates the virtual controller in Windows and is used by many different apps. If you connect your physical controller using one of those apps, now you will be able to remap it in reWASD without any problems.
And here is the list of fixed issues we hope you have never experienced
New reWASD version is here, and it has a massive list of improvements and fixes. Let us quickly tell about new perks that have rolled out today.
PS3 Navigation controller support
New controllers are always welcomed in reWASD, aren't they?

Windows 10 version 1903
Big spring Windows 10 update is not ready for the production yet, but we have already prepared for all kernel changes that it will bring. Be sure to update your controller mapper once you install 1903 in May or if you are in Insider Preview Program.
Xbox controller emulated by ViGEm driver
ViGEm is an open-source driver that emulates the virtual controller in Windows and is used by many different apps. If you connect your physical controller using one of those apps, now you will be able to remap it in reWASD without any problems.
And here is the list of fixed issues we hope you have never experienced

- Fixed: Shift mode is not supported for the pair of grouped Joy-Cons
- Fixed: Mouse mapped to analog or digital controls stutters slightly while moving
- Fixed: Mapping from button used in Shortcut is not detected in games if the button is pressed less than Shortcut press time
- Fixed: While the shortcut is pressed, all keyboard and mouse mappings from the shortcut buttons execute if Virtual Xbox 360 controller is on and the physical one is hidden
- Fixed: Rumble is not working for the button with mappings on Single, Long and Release presses
- Fixed: The combination of max and min stick axis ranges works vice versa
- Fixed: Diagonal stick movements are limited for Virtual Xbox 360 sticks with custom stick response
- Fixed: Controls of the Virtual Xbox 360 created for DS3 report random presses and clicks
- Fixed: reWASD freezes while trying to create Virtual Xbox 360 controller for DS3 with PS Now installed in the system
- Fixed: reWASD freezes while trying to create Virtual Xbox 360 controller in Windows 7 with outdated Xbox drivers
- Fixed: Configs with breaks shared to Community could not be imported again
- Fixed: 100KB+ configs could not be shared to Community