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Steam Controller trackball

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  • Steam Controller trackball

    I've read that the trackball option for the Steam Controller is something that you're looking into. Is there any update regarding this?
  • Answer selected by reWASDer at 10.06.2022, 15:56.

    Hello there!

    We have released reWASD 6.2.1 which lets you set and adjust the Trackball mode for Steam controller's trackpads when you remap them to mouse or stick.
    Would be great to get your feedback

    Other details are described in the post.

    We do plan to extend this functionality and to use it on other devices with touchpads, please stay tuned for the updates!


    • #2
      Hey there!

      We still do not have the exact ETA regarding this feature, but it is certainly in our to-do list. Stay tuned!


      • #3
        Just bumping this post to see if there is any updates regarding this.


        • #4
          We don't have an update on the timeline for implementing this option yet.
          As soon as we can implement it, we will inform you.
          Keep for updates!


          • #5
            Steam Controller's Trackball is a great feature. It will help with playing FPS or RTS games.

            Will it be implemented for Shield Controller and DS4/DS? I think it would be game changer for trackpads. Especially for Shield Controllers where trackpad is small, and such fast/slow swipe mouse control would make it much more useful.


            • #6
              Indeed, we hope that trackball mechanics could be used for different physical controls, including even stick and physical mouse.

              But the first version with the trackball which comes soon won't include all those ones. At the moment, I think it will be possible only for Steam.


              • #7
                Hello there!

                We have released reWASD 6.2.1 which lets you set and adjust the Trackball mode for Steam controller's trackpads when you remap them to mouse or stick.
                Would be great to get your feedback

                Other details are described in the post.

                We do plan to extend this functionality and to use it on other devices with touchpads, please stay tuned for the updates!

