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Slow Walk KB Keybind Toggle

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  • #16
    The Unmaps feature activation is available from the mapping adjustment screen. Please feel free to check this article.
    It is not unbinding from the in-game key binds. Unmaps feature disables the native input of the keyboard or mouse, but the one you have mapped to it (virtual gamepad's stick) will still work. Feel free to try.

    Probably the reason slow walk does not work because the keyboard input comes 1st, and the game refuses to read the input from the virtual controller. The Unmaps feature should help in that case.

    You can also try adjusting the deflection in the Key Combo for the needed key, as on a screenshot (just use Hold Until Release mode). Yes, it should contain one button only

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
Views:	549
Size:	141.8 KB
ID:	226318


    • #17
      I've tried everything as you said

      Click image for larger version

Name:	VPAVGs4.png
Views:	500
Size:	417.6 KB
ID:	226320
      Click image for larger version

Name:	vNciLK3.png
Views:	582
Size:	552.5 KB
ID:	226321

      Sadly I still can't get my character to move in game.

      He moves fine but as soon as I press F3 (my switch key to activate slow mode) the W or S don't respond anymore in game. :/


      • #18
        Can you upload your config file? You can find it by right-clicking on config name and selecting [Open file location].


        • #19
          Originally Posted by Shion View Post
          Can you upload your config file? You can find it by right-clicking on config name and selecting [Open file location].
          Done thank you for helping
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Well, you don't have any mappings on main shift. So you're literally playing the game with keyboard there. And when you switch to "slow walk" shift, keyboard`s [W] and [S] keys get replaced with virtual gamepad stick, which seems to be is ignored by the game. So... you should either check if the game has run/walk toggle (usually a [Caps Lock] key) and use it, or you should remap WASD and other keys (along with mouse) to our virtual gamepad. This way you'll have inputs only of one type: KBM or gamepad, what will eventually "fix" your "issue".

            You can check out configs for your game at our community page or try using the [PS4 Remote Play] profile, as it already has most keys remapped to a virtual gamepad. You'll only have to add the "walk" shift there.

            But before you start remapping everything to a virtual gamepad, make sure that the game actually supports at least one of those we can emulate (Xbox 360/One, DualShock4), and if game has a mechanic of making character move slower when stick is not fully deflected. Otherwise this method won't work.


            • #21
              Originally Posted by Shion View Post
              Well, you don't have any mappings on main shift. So you're literally playing the game with keyboard there. And when you switch to "slow walk" shift, keyboard`s [W] and [S] keys get replaced with virtual gamepad stick, which seems to be is ignored by the game. So... you should either check if the game has run/walk toggle (usually a [Caps Lock] key) and use it, or you should remap WASD and other keys (along with mouse) to our virtual gamepad. This way you'll have inputs only of one type: KBM or gamepad, what will eventually "fix" your "issue".

              You can check out configs for your game at our community page or try using the [PS4 Remote Play] profile, as it already has most keys remapped to a virtual gamepad. You'll only have to add the "walk" shift there.

              But before you start remapping everything to a virtual gamepad, make sure that the game actually supports at least one of those we can emulate (Xbox 360/One, DualShock4), and if game has a mechanic of making character move slower when stick is not fully deflected. Otherwise this method won't work.
              I've tried everything, mapping the same commands on main shift with or without unmapping, I tried downloading the Arkham Knight config from rewasd community, where the gamepad is preset already but nothing is configured for a "slow walk animation" sadly i can't get it to work. Thanks for helping though guys appreciate it.


              • #22
                Hello. You can try to apply a config and test it in gamepad tester or in our internal tester (opens by default with Lctrl+Lshift+F12 key combo)
                Then press W and S and see how the virtual stick is deflected. If in the tester it deflects by 10%, then most likely the problem is in the game itself, because the config from the side of reWASD works correctly. And the game probably reads even 10% deflection as complete. Waiting for your reply.


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by 1ncorrect View Post
                  Hello. You can try to apply a config and test it in gamepad tester or in our internal tester (opens by default with Lctrl+Lshift+F12 key combo)
                  Then press W and S and see how the virtual stick is deflected. If in the tester it deflects by 10%, then most likely the problem is in the game itself, because the config from the side of reWASD works correctly. And the game probably reads even 10% deflection as complete. Waiting for your reply.
                  Hello, i've tried that already as you can see in post #12

                  We see the gamepad stick being deflected by 10% but I tried many deflection settings, full 100%, 50%, 10%. My character just won't move in game, as soon as I shift to the setting keys to move that I set W or S just stop working in game. I tried in Batman Arkham Knight and Batman Arkham Origins, same issue.

                  I've used a virtual controller before and it worked, I used in the past x360ce Controller Emulator. The game detected it and it worked just fine, but there was no option to deflect the stick just to 10% and use it with keyboard like I should be able to do with this REWASD.

                  But this software is very very difficult to understand and to set up, at least for me, I barely understand anything that i'm doing in it, and whenever I tweak something nothing works :/.

                  The 3 days trial for the other features that I seem to need to make this slow walk work are gone anyways so I guess I just have to deal with not having the slow walking animation you can only get with a controller ^^


                  • #24
                    Hey there!

                    It looks like the game doesn't respond to the virtual controller. If it is detected in the gamepad tester, then seems it works in the system. Please try to restart the game (with all its launchers) after you apply a config. Also, if you are playing via Steam, I think you need to turn controller support in Steam too — choose Xbox 360 option.

