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Press and release mapping with basic license

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  • Press and release mapping with basic license

    I have a game where the action fires after releasing a certain key. I want the action to happen when I press a certain button on the controller (rather than when I release it) Is this possible with basic license? In short, pressing A on controller maps a press AND RELEASE of 8 on keyboard.

    Actually I should add that what I want is to map a LONG press of 'A' to trigger the in-game action that a press and release of the number 8 key would do. Meaning that I hold 'A' until the in-game action triggers, rather than having to hold and then let go of 'A' for it to trigger.

    I've tried playing with the activators, e.g. 'start press' but don't think this is the right use case ...?
    Last edited by lethe1977; 04.01.2021, 13:17.

  • #2
    Hi there,

    In this case A should be as a single press. The “8" should be added as release press. Press the A face button you get A control and “8” keyboard button when release the A.
    Don't need to use start press if any mapping before A should be triggered.
    Don't worry! Be Happy!


    • #3
      No apologies that's not what I meant. Let me change the example:

      I want to press and hold the right thumb on the gamepad, and I want that to trigger press AND release of the 8 key BEFORE I release the thumb trigger.


      • #4
        Hey there! If I understand you correctly, you want to press a button and get a mapping immediately, but it should also stop before you release the button.
        If yes, please use Start Press activator here:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	938427eead.png
Views:	617
Size:	164.6 KB
ID:	223449


        • #5
          Thanks - helpful - but not quite what I'm after. I don't want the mapping to fire as I press the button, I want the mapping to fire after holding down the button for a second or two. I thought this was what the reWASD 'long press' feature is for but choosing that seems to only fire the mapping when I RELEASE the gamepad button. IS this how it's supposed to work?


          • #6
            I assume, that you want for [8] key to be released once you hold [A] button long enough, and not just to hold it for certain amount of time every time you press or tap [A]. It's tricky, but possible. You will need both [Combo] and [Rapid fire] features. For this to work you have to set this [Combo] on [A] button:

            Click image for larger version  Name:	image_2021-01-08_032450.png Views:	0 Size:	43.0 KB ID:	223452

            And also set a [Turbo] flag on it. In this case its value doesn't matter.

            First pause is the time before [8] key gets released. Second pause is needed to counter [Turbo], as instead of its main purpose its quirk to stop the combo when button is released is used.


            • #7
              Yeah, that's right! I was afraid it would be that solution sounds right. Is it strange that a game action happens on a key release as opposed to a press?


              • #8
                Hi there,

                Great, if the combo does a job! You didn't mention what game is.
                Don't worry! Be Happy!

