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Autodetect only working while running .exe focused not while minimised

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  • Autodetect only working while running .exe focused not while minimised

    I'm not sure if this is "how it's meant to work" or not, if so an option to toggle this behaviour would be wonderful.

    Using the Autodetect (for the first time I will admit) and set to associate with Grim Dawn.exe with alt-tab as one input in the profile.

    Running happily in-game, clicked to alt-tab back to the desktop and other running software, only to find when that trying to click alt-tab to get back to the game again that it was wasn't working, and found that reWASD had nothing applied even though the .exe is still running, click back to the game with the mouse on the taskbar game icon and the profile is applied again unless I click to alt-tab again and then the profile is disabled again.

    I can see that this could be a very handy feature if it was possible to set a profile it dropped back to instead of having nothing applied, but (unless I'm missing something yet again ) it seems that as soon as the .exe isn't the focused window I'm currently losing all input on the controller as reWASD basically turns it off.

    Is there any setting I've missed to keep the profile loaded all the time the .exe is running, regardless of whether it's the focused window or minimised?

  • #2
    We believe that you mean some sort of 'Default profile' feature that is being applied automatically once no application is in focus.
    We are aware of this function already, and we are working on its implementation in one of the future releases (unfortunately, no ETA for now).

    Still, for now, you can use several ways to change the configuration. One is to use the Shift Mode (link). This will allow you to press some key (or hold) if you want to change your device or group of devices layout completely. Then you can press the same button to bring the layout back.

    Also, it is possible to use the 4 slots feature (link). This feature allows to switch the config entirely by pressing the combination of keys. e.g. you use some config by default, then you press a combination of Z+X+C and another config is being applied.

    Hopefully, this information was useful.


    • #3
      Hey there!

      There is one more option for you — you can leave the applied config in the slot after you minimize the game if you uncheck "Remove applied config from slot on exit from the associated app" option in Preferences (a gear icon at the bottom right) -> Tray agent. This way the config will be applied once you open the game but will stay there forever — until you manually turn remap off.


      • #4
        Thank you both for the replies, much appreciated indeed and very nice to know it wasn't me missing an obvious setting

        It looks like I'm going to not bother with the autodetect as while it's a nice feature, especially if you've got a load of profiles and multiple games / apps and don't want to hassle of picking which profile before each different usage, and I do love the fact that it can detect when focused / minimised if you wanted to have dual profiles, it's just for me all I wanted was a detect if running / not running option.

        I did see the ["Remove applied config from slot on exit from the associated app" option in Preferences] after I posted, it's just lacking the turn off when .exe exited. Not too worry though, now I know how it works, it might well come in useful in the future.

        Just one bit of feedback from a first time user of this function, I did feel a bit "unsure" if I'd actually applied the setting or not. After selecting a .exe you get to click the circular icon next to the Apply button, which then greys out the apply button and the text "Will be applies to slot 1" shows, which left me feeling that it would be applied when set, but I wasn't fully sure that was all I had to do. I guess either the lack of being able to "Apply" or maybe have the text say "Now applied to slot whatever" left me feeling unsure I'd actually "finished" setting this. I hope this makes sense.


        • #5
          This option is available at Preferences - Tray agent (screenshot). Please make sure you are running the up-to-date version of our software.

          We have noted your suggestion about disabling the config once the .exe is closed and to be enabled while the specified .exe is running.

          Also, a bit of a spoiler, we are working on a reWASD in-game overlay that can tell you whether the config is applied and which slot is currently active. I guess that's exactly what you need


          • #6
            Originally Posted by wookiepediologist View Post
            This option is available at Preferences - Tray agent (screenshot). Please make sure you are running the up-to-date version of our software.
            As I said I did see this option, and the software is up to date 5.6.2 as this is something I always check, cheers.

            Originally Posted by wookiepediologist View Post
            We have noted your suggestion about disabling the config once the .exe is closed and to be enabled while the specified .exe is running.

            Also, a bit of a spoiler, we are working on a reWASD in-game overlay that can tell you whether the config is applied and which slot is currently active. I guess that's exactly what you need
            Wonderful spoiler, many thanks


            • #7
              I am sorry, thought the button was not noticed.

              We were glad to help.

              Please stay tuned for the future updates, for sure, we have some features to implement, working hard on that.


              • #8
                Hello Jaknet13 !

                We have release our Desktop Overlay with notifications, a table of Mappings and a Virtual controller tester. Hope you will like it!

