Howdy all! Hoping to get some suggestions for good bluetooth adapters to use with my joy cons.
Currently the issue I have run in to is either the signal is too weak (gaming from a distance of about 10/15 feet via projector), or the adapter does not remember the joy cons until they are un paired, and re paired. Hoping to get some suggestions for what bluetooth adapters folks have used that automatically detect the joy cons when you turn them back on so that they show up in re-wasd?
Bluetooth or PCIE are fine.
Please and thanks!
Currently the issue I have run in to is either the signal is too weak (gaming from a distance of about 10/15 feet via projector), or the adapter does not remember the joy cons until they are un paired, and re paired. Hoping to get some suggestions for what bluetooth adapters folks have used that automatically detect the joy cons when you turn them back on so that they show up in re-wasd?
Bluetooth or PCIE are fine.
Please and thanks!