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Help: Erratic Mouse Movement (Xbox Series X Controller Right Stick Mapped to Mouse)

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  • Help: Erratic Mouse Movement (Xbox Series X Controller Right Stick Mapped to Mouse)

    So I'm nearly done mapping and currently testing my setups in current games. I'm noticing something strange. When I'm looking (using right controller stick mapped to mouse), all of a sudden I'll immediately and quickly look straight up without doing that lookup motion on my right stick. I even shut off my wireless keyboard (only keyboard connected to the PC) to take it out of the equation. So it seems something unique to reWASD. Note that I have the "Use global mouse sensitivity" box unchecked and adjust the X and Y values on the sliders underneath manually. My values are typically low (from 3 to 7 for X, 1 to 4 for Y, depending on game). I have never messed with any of the global mouse settings in reWASD.


  • #2

    Please send your config so that we can see if there is something unnecessary that may trigger this issue.
    Your configs are stored here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\reWASD\Profiles
    ​​​​​​​I need the correspondent *.rewasd file.


    • #3
      Will do. I don't see the option under PM to attach a file?

      I also just increased the deadzone to 100 percent on the Y axis so I can only look left and right to see if maybe that would at least solve it. The problem still persists.


      • #4
        Hey there!

        It should be here, at the right above the post's toolbar:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	214303e8a1.png
Views:	797
Size:	12.7 KB
ID:	225245
        Do you have it?


        • #5
          Hi, see attached.

          I also noticed it only seems to happen in the up position. Not the down position, thus far.

          The mouse movement (mapped to the right stick) also doesn't seem smooth. Sometimes it is, then it seems more jittery. I'll keep testing other games and on my other PC but is there a way to smooth this out?

          Thanks for the help!
          Attached Files


          • #6
            We were able to reproduce your issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for reporting the issue. We need time to test. As soon as we find a solution, we will let you know. Stay tuned!


            • #7
              Thank you. It's not all games. Quake, Quake II, etc seem to work good. It's only present on Rise of the Triad (90s DOS version run under WinROTT) and Unreal Tournament so far.

              Another question regarding virtual mouse settings in reWASD: This setting affects the mouse sensitivity to each game mapped to the Xbox right control stick (as I have it mapped), is this correct? I see if I uncheck the "Use global mouse sensitivity" box, I can manually adjust the X and Y sensitivity values, but these are tied to the WIndows mouse sensitivity setting. If I DO click the box "Use global mouse sensitivity" does the windows mouse sensitivity setting no longer matter in games' mouse sensitivity (other than the games' each independent mouse settings in the games themselves)? Or does the Windows mouse sensitivity settings still affect the games' mouse sensitivity with "Use global mouse sensitivity" check boxed?


              • #8

                When you enable this checkbox, your virtual mouse works with the sensitivity that is set in the Windows system. If you turn it off, you can adjust the sensitivity of the virtual mouse as you wish. You can read more about these settings in the article


                • #9
                  OK, so it seems that no matter what, the Windows mouse settings is an influence on reWASD mouse settings (which is mapped to joystick).

                  Please see attached Rise of the Triad (90s version) profile that also has the weird erratic mouse movement problem.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10

                    The original mouse jump issue is reproducible regardless of the game. It is being reproduced under any conditions when your config is turned on. We will deal with this. As for any other "strange" mouse behavior, this is all subtlety of settings and an individual thing. Thanks again for the information provided!


                    • #11
                      To make the mouse movement a bit smoother, please minimize the range of the axes here, in Advanced stick settings:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	c17d8ce446.png
Views:	793
Size:	17.4 KB
ID:	225260


                      • #12
                        The D3D11 driver in UT was the problem. Used a D3D10 one and mouse movement is smooth. This PC is a 4790K so although it's more than capable, it's not as smooth as my 9700K build, of which all my profiles have been transferred to and all games run buttery smooth.


                        • #13
                          Good news!


                          • #14
                            Just to be clear ... the erratic mouse movement still exists (where it automatically looks up for no reason). I'm saying the random juddery movement that's not smooth has been resolved.


                            • #15
                              We are aware of the issue you are facing with. Right now, we are doing our best to find what causes the issue with random mouse moving UP. As we mentioned this already, once the issue is fixed, we will let you know.

