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PS3 Navigation Controller L-Stick High Mapping Issue

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  • PS3 Navigation Controller L-Stick High Mapping Issue


    I am trying to map L-Stick High Up to a sprint button.

    The issue:
    If I set the high zone to 32766, it is triggering the combo at about 80% deflection. Is there a work-around or fix to trigger it at 98% or 100%?

  • #2
    98% would be 32113. You should check if your gamepad is actually accurate in that regard: try Gamepad Tester.
    If you have any other remappers or a 3rd party gamepad driver installed - you should remove them, as they can interfere with reWASD.


    • #3
      The Left Stick registers -0.98, -0.99, -1.00 near the end of the travel upwards. I do not think it's the gamepad.

      There are no other remappers, drivers, or anything. I already tried cleaning my system, re-installing reWASD and a second controller.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
Views:	334
Size:	36.6 KB
ID:	225385


      • #4
        What I meant was to check at what actual physical point does that stick go to 1.0.

        Though I'm afraid I can't suggest much here anyway. reWASD works with the data that is being sent by the gamepad. If it sends values over 32766 at about 80% deflection, then that's most likely what's happening.

        You can try [Clear data] button at [Preferences > General].

