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Followup on trigger+button activation question

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  • Followup on trigger+button activation question

    So this post from before is exactly what i would want to do (for ff14)

    The person who responded seems to understand exactly what they need and how to do it. My problem is i tried to do it, and when i make the RT+B command, it doesnt have the "cross" command part, so to make it work, its asking me to press them exactly as the same time. I want to be able to pull the right trigger down, then press B and have it activate, not press them exactly at the same time. How do i add the cross command? Ill show examples with the snips im talking about.

    The first picture is what i WANT. The second picture is what is happening when i try to make it myself...making the issue. I hope this post is coherent.
    Attached Files

  • #2

    If I understand you correctly, then for what you want it is not necessary to create a shortcut.

    You can try using shift mode.

    First, make your R2 a shift-modifier (without "toggle")

    Then, in the same shift layer, assign the action you want to Cross (X).

    The result you will get: when you press R2 + Cross, the mapping (or combo) you need will work, as in the case of the shortcut, but you will not need to press these buttons at the same time.
    While R2 is held down, you will have as much time as you want to activate the action mapped to Cross.
    But in any case, you will need to press on the Cross while holding R2

    Hope this helps.


    • #3
      I could see how this would work for 1 trigger, like L2+A, or R2+A, however would it work correctly for a third, being R2+L2+A. Because in final fantasy thats how the cross bars work, you hold R2 and then press the face buttons, those are different actions, L2 and the face buttons are different, and then finally, holding both triggers down unlocks another bar. I wouldnt want the wrong macros firing when i have both triggers held down.


      • #4
        Hey there!

        You should set two different Shift layers with R2 and L2 used as modifiers. Then when you press R2 first, you can set a new action to R2+L2 inside this Shift. If you need R2+L2+A, you should use Shortcuts and press at least two buttons simultaneously, for example: R2 is a modifier (and is pressed and held first), then L2+A is a new Shortcut with a separate action. Also, the same could be made in another later activated by L2. Then, L2+R2+A will give you a new action. So, depending on the order, you can't get the wrong action as far as I understand your request.


        • #5
          Alright, I understand, thanks!


          • #6
            I've got the same use-case, but I'm running into an issue. I've googled around and not found any suitable solutions, so I hope it's okay to ask here.
            I've mapped 'P3' (top-left back paddle) to Shift Layer 2 on hold, and on that layer I've mapped 'B' to 'F2' (to target my tank). This works great! Until things get stressful and I'm mashing 20 buttons at a time, and aren't using the controller perfectly.

            The problem is , 'B' is mapped to the back button in-game, so if I release P3 whilst I'm still holding B, it will immediately de-select my tank sending me into a panic. Is there a way to make reWASD hold my shift layer mapping until release?

            Just to clarify for reproducibility:
            The good case: P3 (down) activate layer 2 -> B (down) press F2 on keyboard -> B (up) release F2 on keyboard -> P3 (up) de-activate layer 2
            The bad case: P3 (down) activate layer 2 -> B (down) press F2 on keyboard -> P3 (up) de-activate layer 2, [!SIDE EFFECT! de-activates F2 & activates 'B'] -> B (up) de-activates 'B'


            • #7
              EDIT, putting this in a new post because I'm not authorized to update my last post: Wow, after battling with this for days, I figured it out myself a few minutes after asking for help, I'll leave this post in-case anyone else runs into the same issue. Here's the fix: Don't use the magic wand to 'Map controller to:' setting. Mine was mapped to 'Virtual Xbox One'. I must've accidentally turned it on when I was playing around and discovering the features. Then, just go to your shift layer, set your macro key AND set the gamepad mapping to unmapped. Do this for all your buttons and you're set. Couple of images to demonstrate, turn off the thing circled in red, then un-map the gamepad mapping on your shift layers.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	the_culprit.png
Views:	646
Size:	1.03 MB
ID:	229336Click image for larger version

Name:	the_fix.png
Views:	608
Size:	1.03 MB
ID:	229337


              • #8
                The virtual controller should be used only if the game does not support the original one or if you need to use a combo, turbo or other features.

                In other cases, you can do without a virtual controller, this will avoid such nuances and speed up the processing of commands by the game.


                • #9
                  Thanks RAM. Although upon further testing, it turns out that I didn't fix it after all. The issue as I described persists if I use any other input whilst performing the action.
                  For example, I'm usually moving with the joystick which triggers the bug. I'm guessing this is because reWASD polls the controller for input every time something changes.

                  So I do the actions as I described above, then microseconds after I release P3 (and before I release B) reWASD registers input from the joystick, checks other buttons for input, sees the B button is currently pressed releases my macro key, and sends the B button from the base map instead. Has anyone else run into this issue? I'd like to fix it if possible.


                  • #10
                    Sorry for post spamming, still can't edit posts for some reason

                    It's not the clearest demonstration, but I made a short youtube video showing the problem:
                    reWASD registers base map button before key is released when shift map is disabled - YouTube

                    particularly from 24 seconds onwards, I demonstrate it as clearly as I can with the d-pad down button.
                    1. P3 + B = F2
                    2. release P3, hold B, F2 remains pressed
                    3. press any other button (for example, d-pad down) whilst still holding B
                    4. F2 remains pressed, but the gamepad tester registers the gamepad B button being pressed too.


                    • #11
                      Please send your config so that we can check it.
                      Your configs are stored here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\reWASD\Profiles


                      • #12
                        Here it is, thank you. Mappings are for an XBox Elite series 2 controller
                        Config 1.rewasd


                        • #13

                          Thank you for the detailed information, now it is clear what happens here. Funny thing, it is normal behavior in our logics, but it seems there is an option how to make it work like you wish.

                          We are sorry for misinformation above — actually you need a Virtual controller here! I have added a few things to your config and would kindly ask you to re-check my updated config.
                          Please note that it is better to restart the game after you apply a config with a virtual controller, to be sure that the game detects it properly.

                          Sorry for post spamming, still can't edit posts for some reason
                          No problem, this happens because the post was under moderation. Actually, we are sorry for the inconvenience
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Yes, that seems to have fixed it, thank you very much! I take it that reWASD only has full control to do this on the virtual controller, so you had to unmap the gamepad mapping to stop the controller from sending the button input itself.


                            • #15
                              Yes, you are correct, we have a bit different logic for the virtual and physical gamepads. Great to know that it works for you

