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Lost Ark reWASD movement + autoaim

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  • rexyhm
    Anyone got lucky applying ChillBear's config to an Azeron?

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  • gamerchamp
    Originally Posted by ChillBear View Post
    Hi guys! My guide is out on how to set up your own configuration in Lost Ark.

    Hopefully this will get you going to set up WASD + Mouse Aim:
    Hey tried you config on Sorc and its definitely in the right direction.
    I have an MMO mouse and want to assign the skills to buttons on the mouse.
    What's the best way to do this in your config?

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  • lowheek
    You're a beast man thanks !

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  • 1ncorrect
    I hope this helps many Lost Ark players. Thanks!

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  • ChillBear
    Hi guys! My guide is out on how to set up your own configuration in Lost Ark.

    Hopefully this will get you going to set up WASD + Mouse Aim:

    Chillbear’s Lost Ark WASD + Mouse Aim Configuration Guide IGN: Nephalem - Europe Central Discord AChillBear#4027 Introduction: This guide will go through how to set up WASD + Mouse Aim controls in Lost Ark. It’s been set up in such a way to make it as beginner friendly as possible and what bet...

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  • ChillBear
    Originally Posted by thonxbeb View Post

    thanks a lot for this even though i cant get it to mouse aim with my artillerist haha! kinda new to rewasd. i could not get into lost ark with the mouse movement so i went ahead and bought the full license for rewasd, even with the basic wasd movement its cool since i just readjust my position to aim skills. i tried to reverse engineer your config to try to get it to work with my artillerist, but so far no luck. i dont think i know enough about how to use this program yet. looking forward for your other class configs/guides if youre planning on making them!
    Awesome you're liking reWASD!

    My config is not beginner friendly at all but I'll be writing a guide step to step how to configure it for every class, so look forward to that

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  • thonxbeb
    Originally Posted by ChillBear View Post
    Thanks to reWASDer in the other thread for the really useful tip about switching shift layer with release activator.

    I'm able to set up ranged AOE pressing RMB now. It's really so much smoother and natural. I've changed the build a lot as a result and it feels much more natural. Check the text descriptions for ability layout.

    Attached the latest builds for paladin
    thanks a lot for this even though i cant get it to mouse aim with my artillerist haha! kinda new to rewasd. i could not get into lost ark with the mouse movement so i went ahead and bought the full license for rewasd, even with the basic wasd movement its cool since i just readjust my position to aim skills. i tried to reverse engineer your config to try to get it to work with my artillerist, but so far no luck. i dont think i know enough about how to use this program yet. looking forward for your other class configs/guides if youre planning on making them!

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  • ChillBear
    Thanks to reWASDer in the other thread for the really useful tip about switching shift layer with release activator.

    I'm able to set up ranged AOE pressing RMB now. It's really so much smoother and natural. I've changed the build a lot as a result and it feels much more natural. Check the text descriptions for ability layout.

    Attached the latest builds for paladin
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  • ChillBear
    Finalised most things on the Paladin, here's a video demonstrating a support build:

    And configs attached below. There's some personalisation features in there like a toggle on/off feature on mouse additional button. I'll try a ranged class next and work on a guide

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  • ChillBear
    Originally Posted by Elmatta View Post
    Quick question, if I am holding down a movement key (WASD) and I press a skill that gap closes (dash ability), it stops my movement until I release the movement key and press it again. Any way I can add a modifier to this 1 specific skill to continue the key I am holding after its pressed?
    Is your dash on space?

    The reason you need to press again is because you need to set up shift mode set to 'Hold' for the skill you're using.

    If you're using my config:

    In Shift layer 0 W A S D are for your movement

    In Shift layer 2 W A S D are set to neutral positions and disable movement

    In Shift layer 0 make your dash skill Jump to Shift layer 2 with 'Hold' mode

    Doing this way your movement will continue when you've press your skill button

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  • RAM Stealer
    Please specify in more detail how it should look on the example of your config.

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  • Elmatta
    Quick question, if I am holding down a movement key (WASD) and I press a skill that gap closes (dash ability), it stops my movement until I release the movement key and press it again. Any way I can add a modifier to this 1 specific skill to continue the key I am holding after its pressed?

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  • ChillBear
    Fixed RMB not working when remaps disabled with Alt.

    Let me know if there's anything you notice or could be improved
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  • ChillBear
    Originally Posted by Elmatta View Post
    Awesome dude, I got it working with your config. I tweaked it a bit because I use 1-4 for my skills and Q,E,R,F for skills 5-8. I put my delay after the first mouse down and feel like it works a little better for my skills as striker. This is a huge deal, I know a lot of people looking for this config and will undoubtedly give you credit when I share the config with some edits to my guildmates. I'll figure out a more generic config so it can easily be edited by people as different classes and hotkey usage and post it in this thread and the lost ark config list.

    Cheers everyone for the help!

    I've finished the remap for my paladin build. Some differences between the last upload:

    1. Simplified some combos, all work as they should.

    2. Finalized how Ranged AOE (with target circle, Holy Explosion on C) will work. Press C for Holy Explosion, press LMB once you've decided the area activate the skill. I tried my best to make RMB or C as activators but it would conflict with autoattack on RMB and existing combo on C and unfortunately seems like limitations with reWASD at the moment. But might make sense this way anyway as there's situations where two part combos/commands could disrupt gameplay flow for example getting stunned on boss mechanic in first part of the combo which deactivates the skill in game, but in reWASD you'd be forced to move onto the second part of the combo. I'm still happy with LMB as it feels natural to activate ranged AOE circles.

    3. Added Space to dodge in the direction your character is moving. Added Shift + Space to dodge in the direction your mouse is aiming.

    4. Press Alt to turn off all combat remaps. This will allow you to interact with menus and type. Press Alt again to reactive combat remaps.

    Next step is to make the layout a bit a cleaner. Then I'll be working on other classes and writing a guide. I can already imagine this to be extremely beginner unfriendly and really for the most dedicated user who wants WASD controls. There's hundreds of different skills, each with different modifiers that change the way that the skill behaves. I think I might have to make a bank of combos/remaps so users can just paste into their builds without tinkering themselves.
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  • ChillBear
    Originally Posted by Balhesbandi View Post

    thank you for this I will test it on my azeron keypad hopefully will work as well.
    I'd recommend getting the full version, reWASD is an amazing piece of software and can't recommend it enough.

    I'm not sure why it's not working for you but I'd follow the generic steps around the FAQs, make sure you have autodetect on and it's applying when Lost Ark is in focus.

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