Hello reWASD community,
My Elite Controller 2 paddles stopped working yesterday with their reWASD keybinds yesterday. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Xbox Accessories App, and my paddles do not work within ff14 and elder scrolls online. I checked the in game binds too. What is weird, is that on my 1st profile, I have escape mapped to the options (left button) and that works, but not the paddles. This usually happens and I am trying to track down what is the issue. I tried re-mapping the rewasd keybinds and clicked save. Has someone had a similar experience?
My Elite Controller 2 paddles stopped working yesterday with their reWASD keybinds yesterday. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Xbox Accessories App, and my paddles do not work within ff14 and elder scrolls online. I checked the in game binds too. What is weird, is that on my 1st profile, I have escape mapped to the options (left button) and that works, but not the paddles. This usually happens and I am trying to track down what is the issue. I tried re-mapping the rewasd keybinds and clicked save. Has someone had a similar experience?