Turbo for Left Shift on Xbox Controller Not Working
For reference, I purchased the reWASD back in December to use on Xbox Controller. I've configured some settings and went and copied those settings over to another computer (purchased another full license). c:\users\public\documents\rewasd. I downloaded the latest client installed and imported same configs I had from another computer.
I can use turbo no issues when I'm just using the regular B key (note the G)
When I use the Left Trigger and use the X button, it cycles once through the combo once and does not repeat. I have tried disabling/enabling apply and "Clear Data" that's in the preferences.
Never mind answered my own question... Not sure if I had unchecked this in previous version or something enabled in new version?
For reference, I purchased the reWASD back in December to use on Xbox Controller. I've configured some settings and went and copied those settings over to another computer (purchased another full license). c:\users\public\documents\rewasd. I downloaded the latest client installed and imported same configs I had from another computer.
I can use turbo no issues when I'm just using the regular B key (note the G)
When I use the Left Trigger and use the X button, it cycles once through the combo once and does not repeat. I have tried disabling/enabling apply and "Clear Data" that's in the preferences.
Never mind answered my own question... Not sure if I had unchecked this in previous version or something enabled in new version?