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Help with sending accidental inputs using shift layer

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  • Help with sending accidental inputs using shift layer

    For example, if I press X along with a shift layer button and try to let go of both buttons at once, I might let go of the shift layer button first by accident, and that causes X to send both the shift layer mapping and the regular mapping. Is there a way to make the shift layer "eat" the button input, so that it can't send another mapping after sending the shifted one? Thanks!

  • #2
    Please send me the config you are using. You can find your config by right-clicking on the profile name and open the file location.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	download.png
Views:	413
Size:	199.9 KB
ID:	231229


    • #3
      Sure thing, I've attached it to this post.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Solution here would be to disable [Preferences > General > Re-press the held button when switching Shift layers] option.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Shion View Post
          Solution here would be to disable [Preferences > General > Re-press the held button when switching Shift layers] option.
          That doesn't seem to work for me, I am still getting the re-press unless I let go of the shift layer button last. I'm only using the main config and shift 1, could that be why?


          • #6
            It should work for all layers. Could you please describe the exact order of buttons you press and hold?


            • #7
              Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
              It should work for all layers. Could you please describe the exact order of buttons you press and hold?
              To reproduce this behavior, I:
              - Hold down shift 1 (left upper paddle)
              - Hold down X, which has both a main config and shift 1 mapping
              - Release shift 1

              This sends both the main config mapping and the shift 1 mapping, even with the re-press feature disabled.


              • #8
                Hmm. We were able to reproduce this issue and will fix it with the next update (6.1.2, ETA - start of May).

                For now a temporary solution would be to have all buttons that remapped differently on other Shifts, remapped to themselves on [ Main Shift] with [Mute] flag enabled for them like in the config attached.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Shion View Post
                  Hmm. We were able to reproduce this issue and will fix it with the next update (6.1.2, ETA - start of May).

                  For now a temporary solution would be to have all buttons that remapped differently on other Shifts, remapped to themselves on [ Main Shift] with [Mute] flag enabled for them like in the config attached.
                  Thanks, this is just what I needed!


                  • #10

                    The issue is fixed with reWASD 6.2 update that is already released. No need to use the workarounds anymore

