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Annoying bug when remapping keys...

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  • Annoying bug when remapping keys...

    This is base on 6.0.1 but i guess the new ver. are the same.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	000.png
Views:	546
Size:	62.1 KB
ID:	231575
    This is simple keyboard remap , when you select the pull down menu on left and then press a key (eg U) it will jump and select U for you . which is perfect and logical, (because it is an active menu) the software mostly do it this way with other sub selection.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	111.png
Views:	450
Size:	43.0 KB
ID:	231576
    This is shortcut mode with kb, if you select any menu on the left and press the target key U, nothing will happen but instead U will jump to the right menu (rewasd mapping menu... which are not active or selected)

    This is super annoying for many reasons. This bug is just waste of time and make me.........

    Click image for larger version

Name:	333.png
Views:	470
Size:	6.3 KB
ID:	231577

    Even i don't press the target key for quick selection and search the key slowly like a bobo through the pull down menu , guess what happen...
    The menu is sorted by alien order.... Numpad enter where are you ??? It is in super random order
    I don't want to play the find your key mini game everytime when i need a remap/correction .

    I don't care about the order of the menu , but plz fix the quick select for the active menu(shortcut selection or more)... thks.

  • #2
    Thanks for the suggestion. We will try to add this in future updates.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by RAM Stealer View Post
      Thanks for the suggestion. We will try to add this in future updates.
      You may get this wrong , rewasd mostly support the quick select already, only the shortcut selection's menu is bugged.

      There is another bug, should be the last one.
      If the double press timing is set lower than 130ms, the key with double press function will act funny.
      e.g Press that key 10 time with different rhythm will gave you 12-1x output of that key...

      Set the timing to 150ms and the bug is gone but the keywait is kind of too long... It will be super cool when we can set it lower than 130ms (75-90ms) without the bug...


      • #4
        This is not a bug, there is simply no button hook for this menu.

        Please send a video showing this.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by RAM Stealer View Post
          This is not a bug, there is simply no button hook for this menu.

          Please send a video showing this.
          --- Video

          ? If it is not a bug why the right side menu (rewasd mapping) can capture the input of U and put it there?
          It should capture the U and put it on the left menu which is selected and active same as the first picture (the first picture is correct, the sec pic is shortcut mode)

          Or say it in different way
          1. it captured my input(U) and put it to current active input menu(left) , which is correct - general keyboard remap selection
          2. It captured my input(U) and put it to a no-active output menu(right), which is wrong.- shortcut selection


          • #6
            Nevermind, I think it is a bug because if it (shortcut selection) is not hooked/captured, no menu(key) should be moved but it still moved in opposite(right menu).
            Plz take care of the double press time thing too... thks


            • #7
              Hey there!

              Sorry for the misunderstanding. The Shortcut panel doesn't let you use hooking option at all. It is not actually a bug because this thing has never been implemented. Yes, you can hook the keyboard keys in reWASD mapping section, but it is another control here. We do plan to add hooking for shortcuts, just can't promise that it may happen in the upcoming version.

              Could you please send the video about double press issue? It would be great to see the capture of what exactly happens there and how you press the button that causes the issues.


              • #8

                Sorry for the delay

                video about the double press error - need to watch to the end

                Double press time is 80ms (or anything lower than 130ms)

                0 remap to 0 and muted/unmap , double press is u
                1 remap to 1 and muted/unmap

                Actually , remap it back to 0 or muted doestn't matter at all. The problem still there.
                Unmap it just to prove the extra 0 are not caused by pass through or anything.
                Also, trigger U is not the main point here, it is fine.

                ==========<<<<< ten zero , for ref (rewasd off)


                ==========<< ten zero , double time = 80ms (rewasd on)

                1 is clean with different rhythm but no 0

                No hurry for anything as long as they have been noticed.

                I will not upgrade rewasd and stay with 6.0.1 anyway until the shortcuts pass through bugs are iron out (better with the double press timing thing are out too) , HEHE
                This will be the last post about it , solved or not Let's speed things up Shortcut mode (keyboard only) : A + S = 9 6.0.1 Tap A and S the same time x 3 = 999 then hold A and S = 999999999999 which is perfect 6.1.1 (clean install or update from the software) Tap A and S the same time x 3 = asasas then hold A and S =

                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Got it, thank you.

                  Indeed, if you minimize the default Press Time for the Double Press, sometimes it may misbehave. At the moment, we are not sure why it may happen, so it will take time to research this issue. I would recommend you use the default 150ms.


                  • #10

                    One more thing about the hooking/jump select thing

                    When you press numpad enter on the menu , it will just hook/jump to normal enter but not numpad enter, other numpad key seem to be fine. Plz take care of this too, Thks


                    • #11
                      Our hook does not differentiate between these buttons, as they perform the same function.
                      However, when creating mappings, you can select Normal Enter and Numpad Enter separately from the list of keyboard mappings.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by 1ncorrect View Post
                        Our hook does not differentiate between these buttons, as they perform the same function.
                        However, when creating mappings, you can select Normal Enter and Numpad Enter separately from the list of keyboard mappings.
                        Got it , ths


                        • #13

                          Please check the latest version — reWASD 6.2.1. Now it lets you hook controller buttons and keyboard keys while adjusting Shortcuts. Set a focus on the left panel, press the control — and it will be selected.

                          Other novelties of the new version are described in our announce post.


                          • #14
                            Holy Ball , this is a great update. THKs team, the hooking are correct.

                            The most important improvement is the option to lower the shortcut timing to 20ms.
                            By setting it to 20ms the game (F I S T Forged In Shadow Torch) react correctly without the retiming script , keep up the good work.


                            • #15
                              Glad to know you like it

