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ReWasd Problem

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  • ReWasd Problem

    I updated my rewasd than my combos has been destroyed.

    I Tried to make new combo;

    for example.

    to shortcut

    R1+Square , when press buttons to this short cut at same time, Firstly R1 commonn behavior is runnig. This is so most problem.

    Please fix this issue.

    I am so dissapointed to bought full licence rewasd.

  • #2

    Please send me the config you are using. Right-click on the config's name to open the contextual menu and choose Open file location. I will need the correspondent *.rewasd file.


    • #3

      Why when pres to R1+Square then r1 common behaivor is running? please explain?


      • #4
        In reWASD internal architecture, shortcut behavior may vary depending on which things are mapped to the shortcut. That is why would be great if you share the config you have, so I could find a fix faster.

        Here is the easiest way to find the config file:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	170ba2195a.png
Views:	498
Size:	61.5 KB
ID:	231598


        • #5
          Hi Again.

          I deleted all old combos.

          So, I tried to create new combos. R1+ Square like attachment. But R1 common behavior is running firstly instead of R1+Square short cut.

          How Can I fix this problem. I didnt see this problem in previous Rewasd version.

          Please check the attachments.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Thank you for the details.

            Please try to remap R1, Square and any other button you are planning to use in a shortcut to its virtual analog and add Mute like I have here:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	a8c8e294b5.png
Views:	335
Size:	190.9 KB
ID:	231607

            It should help in your case.


            • #7

              If I dont press to R1+Square, the R1 should be run as common behavior.

              how Can I do this?


              • #8
                The button will be working the same way in this case, no worries. You just mute the native behavior and create the same behavior on a virtual controller. This way both buttons and shortcuts will be working as before. It is a temporary solution, we will do our best to fix this issue in the upcoming release.


                • #9
                  Hey there!

                  We have fixed the issue with the shortcuts, so now you do not need to add a workaround with "Mute" and the same button. You can download the latest release from the official site.

