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Hold and Press on Same Paddle

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  • Hold and Press on Same Paddle


    I'd like to map the paddle on my Elite Series 2 to a Discord mute. Ordinarily this would be a breeze, but I have a question regarding how I can set this up:

    If possible, I'd like tapping the paddle to act as a mute toggle, while if I hold the paddle, it'll act as a hold-to-mute until I release the paddle. Setting up either of these individually would be easy, but setting them both up on the same paddle (the other 3 are bound to either in game or out of game actions as of right now, so I can't spare a free paddle to have both of these) is another matter entirely, for me at least.

    If it's not possible, no big deal. It's a mute button, it's not the end of the world, but it sure would be nice to have if it is possible!

  • #2

    I have tried to achieve the similar behavior, and this is how I set it up:

    1. In Discord app, set different hotkeys for Toggle Mute and Push to Mute:

    Click image for larger version  Name:	cfc9a70c2a.png Views:	0 Size:	56.4 KB ID:	231796

    2. In reWASD, set Toggle Mute to Single Press and Push to Mute to Long Press. This is an example:

    Click image for larger version  Name:	3ef67df367.png Views:	0 Size:	321.6 KB ID:	231797

    This way, a single tap will Mute the microphone, while if you press and hold the paddle a bit, it will be muted still.
    Please note that there is a small delay before Long Press starts working — to be sure that it doesn't overlap the Single Press mapping. You may change this value in Preferences ( at the bottom right) -> Press Time tab.

