I'd like to map the paddle on my Elite Series 2 to a Discord mute. Ordinarily this would be a breeze, but I have a question regarding how I can set this up:
If possible, I'd like tapping the paddle to act as a mute toggle, while if I hold the paddle, it'll act as a hold-to-mute until I release the paddle. Setting up either of these individually would be easy, but setting them both up on the same paddle (the other 3 are bound to either in game or out of game actions as of right now, so I can't spare a free paddle to have both of these) is another matter entirely, for me at least.
If it's not possible, no big deal. It's a mute button, it's not the end of the world, but it sure would be nice to have if it is possible!
I'd like to map the paddle on my Elite Series 2 to a Discord mute. Ordinarily this would be a breeze, but I have a question regarding how I can set this up:
If possible, I'd like tapping the paddle to act as a mute toggle, while if I hold the paddle, it'll act as a hold-to-mute until I release the paddle. Setting up either of these individually would be easy, but setting them both up on the same paddle (the other 3 are bound to either in game or out of game actions as of right now, so I can't spare a free paddle to have both of these) is another matter entirely, for me at least.
If it's not possible, no big deal. It's a mute button, it's not the end of the world, but it sure would be nice to have if it is possible!