Hey y'all, I purchased this software on the 1st day of the free trial, it is so good i did not even let the free trial expire! I have one issue only that I am hoping someone could advise me on..
I play COD and like to YY macro, i have set it so that when i click in the L3 analogue stick it turbos the triangle button at a time of 30ms, but a lot of the time it will pull out my secondary weapon unintentionally, is there any way to set the macro so i can hold the L3 stick in and it will switch weapons at the rate of 30ms but when I let go it will always return to the original state?
The best setup i have found so far is to set 2 iterations at 30ms apart and it will return to my original gun, however i would like to hold it in and have it return to the original state like i did with DS4, this software is so much more advanced so I'm thinking there must be a way and I'm missing something?
yeah I know its geeky try hard stuff but I like it, each to their own lol
I hope I explained this properly!
thanks in advance, this software is truly amazing! limitless potential!
I play COD and like to YY macro, i have set it so that when i click in the L3 analogue stick it turbos the triangle button at a time of 30ms, but a lot of the time it will pull out my secondary weapon unintentionally, is there any way to set the macro so i can hold the L3 stick in and it will switch weapons at the rate of 30ms but when I let go it will always return to the original state?
The best setup i have found so far is to set 2 iterations at 30ms apart and it will return to my original gun, however i would like to hold it in and have it return to the original state like i did with DS4, this software is so much more advanced so I'm thinking there must be a way and I'm missing something?
yeah I know its geeky try hard stuff but I like it, each to their own lol
I hope I explained this properly!
thanks in advance, this software is truly amazing! limitless potential!