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Rapid Fire Feature and Free Trial

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  • Rapid Fire Feature and Free Trial

    Because there is no way to test the rapid fire feature in the free trial I have not purchased this app. It's unclear how the rapid fire works and I'm hoping someone can give me some details. Is it possible to simply toggle the rapid fire off and on for one button? I'm mostly interested in using this for arcade emulation so that I don't have to "button mash" with my Xbox controller. I'm hoping that someone can give me more details or that REWASD can make this feature available with the free trial so that I am able to make a decision about purchasing. Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Hello. In the trial version, you can test all features.

    reWASD provides a 7-day trial period for basic functions and an independent 3-day period for every advanced feature.
    It's meaning that you can get up to 3 days of full reWASD functionality for testing purposes.

    You can read more about Basic and Advanced features in this article.

    To see if your trial period can be extended, I need to identify you in our database by a system ID. Please download this tool:
    Launch it, copy SID that will be revealed, and send it to me.​​


    • #3
      Ok, I just found the screen to start the 3 day trial of additional features, so I have done that... however, I can't see any way to simply assign rapid/turbo fire to a button and turn it off or on to toggle between rapid fire or single shots (so I can hold down the button for continuous fire, the way turbo fire has traditionally always worked). Is there a way to do this and I'm just not understanding how it works? Thanks.


      • #4
        To set a button to auto-tap when holding it, select the [Long Press] activator and enable the [Turbo] flag for it.
        Make sure to set a realistic value for it (200 or more), since most games would ignore taps that are too fast.


        • #5
          I want to click a button to turn turbo fire on... then click a button to turn it off. The turbo fire would only work on the button while I have it switched on. The turbo fire would be on until I turn it off. It would operate/turbo fire any time I press the button for any length of time while I have it turned on.


          • #6
            To do what you want, you need to use Toggle. An example is in the screenshot.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	582
Size:	55.0 KB
ID:	235987


            • #7
              Thanks for the responses. It seems like your software is a bit complex for adding a simple one-button change like this. I understand it is designed to do a lot more, but have you considered a toned down version of the setup for people that just want a simple adjustment?

              I have a problem, also, that my in-game (MAME emulator) rapid fire simply becomes non-responsive. I have the ms set at the default 200. My Xbox controller button with rapid fire assigned seems, sometimes, to just not respond at all. I have managed to get it working, but other times nothing happens.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by jochs99 View Post
                I understand it is designed to do a lot more, but have you considered a toned down version of the setup for people that just want a simple adjustment?
                No. A simpler version of reWASD is not considered at the moment.

                Originally Posted by jochs99 View Post
                I have a problem, also, that my in-game (MAME emulator) rapid fire simply becomes non-responsive. I have the ms set at the default 200. My Xbox controller button with rapid fire assigned seems, sometimes, to just not respond at all. I have managed to get it working, but other times nothing happens.
                We could not understand your issue. Does the mapping work or not?

                A mapping that uses [Turbo] option taps a button for a short amount of time, which might not be enough to register it. In that case we recommend using a [Combo] with that button like this: [Button pressed] > [Pause 20ms] > [Button released] (if a controller button is used, the [Advanced Mapping] feature will also be required).

                Sometimes the [Turbo] value is too small and thus ignored by the game, so we suggest increasing the value until the taps would work consistently.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Shion View Post
                  Does the mapping work or not?
                  I had it working, briefly, for a button, but then tried to set it up so that I could toggle the button off and on, and any buttons I try to assign in MAME that have the rapid fire set in REWASD completely cease to respond. I have turned the ms up to 400. I've tried setting it up different ways and even tried getting it back to the setup that was working briefly, but haven't had any luck.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by jochs99 View Post
                    but then tried to set it up so that I could toggle the button off and on
                    What exactly did you do to achieve that?


                    • #11
                      I didn't achieve it at all. That is the point when my rapid fire buttons stopped responding in MAME. I tried several different steps I don't even remember, including trying to set up the shift layers so that one layer had rapid fire and one was off... and several other ways.


                      • #12
                        Send us your config, please.


                        • #13
                          I've sent it via PM.


                          • #14
                            ... and here it is again.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              I checked your config in the gamepad tester and made sure that the turbo works properly, like the rest of the virtual controller buttons.
                              If everything works for you in the tester, then the problem may be that the MAME emulator cannot correctly perceive the input emulated in reWASD.​

