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Autodetect and slots

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  • Autodetect and slots

    Autodetect seems to stop function if slots are not empty. For example if i set Autodetect to apply something to Slot 1 but Slot 3 has something manually applied to it, then autodetect does nothing. Even stranger - once i manually clear Slot 3, Autodetect still does nothing. Quit ReWASD and start it again, Autodetect still does nothing.

    Only way to restore Autodetect functionality is to restart PC.

    What I was hoping to achieve was ... playing game with manually applied setting on Slot 3 ... then use Autodetect to load another setting to Slot 1 and select Slot 1 - when I quit game and return to some application.

  • #2
    I tried to reproduce what you described but without success. I hope I understood you correctly.

    I configured Autodetect for config A and applied it to slot 1 for application X.
    Then manually applied config B to slot 3.

    Result: as soon as I switched to application X, config A was activated automatically.
    After exiting application X, the remap status returned by default to config B.

    Correct me if I misunderstood you or if you are getting a different result.​


    • #3
      Seems like my initial description was wrong ... i managed to boil it down to following:

      * [Preference]->[Tray Agent]->[Remove applied config from slot on exit from associated app] turn OFF

      * Must have multiple controllers (my system so far has 6)

      Here are steps to reproduce:

      1. I started from fresh Restart with no Autodetect enabled
      2. applied Autodetect to only one controller
      3. go to app -> autodetect applies profile correctly to that controller
      4. leave app -> ReWASD does not remove applied config per setting
      5. now turn off Autodetect and remove applied config manually (using bottom-right screen)
      6. go to app -> ReWASD does nothing as expected
      7. enable Autodetect back and go back to app -> nothing is applied (note from screen shot 7 - nothing seems to be applied)
      8. Close ReWASD window and open it again -> screen shot 8 - you can see controllers not involved in Autodetect have something applied to it - but slots are empty

      Once this happens Autodetect won't work even if I clear those empty spot with command line ...need to restart computer​
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hi. Unfortunately, we don't quite understand why you manually clean the slot when you can use the "Remove applied config from the slot on exit from the associated app" setting, which you can find in Preferences in the Tray agent section.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	341
Size:	30.3 KB
ID:	237805

        If you need to go through all the steps you described, then you don't need to restart the PC; it will be enough to restart reWASD.​


        • #5
          I was testing my settings and stumble upon this. If this happens, for some reasons restarting ReWASD does not work for me (I need to restart whole PC).

          This does not actually bother me as I do not use Autodetect. Just wanted to report this behavior. Reason I didn't remove applied slot automatically ... was testing slot switching vs slot loading times.

          The reason I don't use Autodetect - it applies profiles to slots, which can take some time for 6 controllers (and i plan to add more in the future). I dont have many settings, so I can easily fit my configs into 4 slots - then switch slots for each game (using batch or Autohotkey ... thanks to your flexible ReWASD command line). It is much much faster to switch between slots than loading profile into slot.


          • #6
            We'll check with our developers if this is normal behavior.
            Thanks for the information provided.​

