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Destiny 2 Challanges & Questions

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  • Destiny 2 Challanges & Questions

    I tried to use rewasd, but I do have a few challanges and questions:

    My scope is to use the mouse and keyboard, but to have Destiny2 getting the input from the/a controller.
    I used and tested 2-3 a comunity mappings.

    1. I do have a controler conected to my PC, but even if I tried to use that one it does not seem to work:
    I mapped (changed into an existing community profile) one (keyboard) key and pressed that one, but nothing happened.
    Is there anyway to debug what is not working well ?

    2. I used also the rewasd virtual controler, however Destiny 2 does not detect it.
    In this case is there anything I could check ?

    3. I tested 2-3 comunity profiles, that map keyboard -> controller. I asume this is the correct mapping "sense" ?

    4. It seems that if rewasd is active my mouse's (G604 Lighspeed) extra buttons dont work. Is this I know issue / any ways to bypass this ?

    5. Any specific community profile you would advice me to use ?

    Thank you!

  • #2

    1. I do have a controler conected to my PC, but even if I tried to use that one it does not seem to work:
    I mapped (changed into an existing community profile) one (keyboard) key and pressed that one, but nothing happened.
    Is there anyway to debug what is not working well ?
    Do you mean your physical controller doesn't work in Destiny 2?
    The best way to tell if mappings work as they should is to use Notepad(for something mapped as a keyboard) and this tester for something mapped as a controller.

    2. I used also the rewasd virtual controler, however Destiny 2 does not detect it.
    In this case is there anything I could check ?
    You can check in joy.cpl if the virtual controller was created successfully, and then proceed to the tester.
    Also, Steam may interfere with reWASD.

    3. I tested 2-3 comunity profiles, that map keyboard -> controller. I asume this is the correct mapping "sense" ?

    4. It seems that if rewasd is active my mouse's (G604 Lighspeed) extra buttons dont work. Is this I know issue / any ways to bypass this ?
    How are these buttons mapped in native software? Also, what about on-board memory mode, Is it on/off?

    5. Any specific community profile you would advice me to use ?
    Unfortunately, cant advice any specific profile, because I don't play Destiny 2​


    • #3
      Thnak you for the quick reply.

      1. The physical controler works in Destiny, but if I use it with ReWasd it does not actualy take my keyboard inputs so something is off.
      In the tester is the same ... the controler shows and works ok, but the rewasd mapping does not seem to work. I press the keyboard keys but no input in tester from the controller.

      2. On the virtual part .... Joy.ctl seems ok - I see the Controller (XBox360 for Windows). However in the tester is not showing the virtual controller

      3. Thank you! Making sure

      4. They are 1-1 with keys, no macros ... One mouse button for V, one for G etc. Memory profile is Off.

      5. Hopefuly somene will know


      • #4
        First, you don't need to have a physical controller connected to a PC to use reWASD. reWASD creates a virtual controller itself.

        Our virtual controller appears in the tester after the system receives the input from the devices. So, you need to ensure that you apply the config to the correct devices. Also, there may be a chance that something is wrong with the device initialization. Please show me your group and how the devices are initialized there.


        • #5
          I know - I just tested thge virtual as well to see if is working. I do preffer not to use the pysical one.

          Indeed - I used a existing config blindly, and not sure if I understand the ful picture. Mouse does not seem to be detected/correct (see my comments in the original post)

          Click image for larger version

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          Attached Files


          • #6
            Please note that LGVirhid01 is not your real keyboard. This virtual device was created by Logitech software. In turn, reWASD doesn't work with virtual devices. Feel free to add this device to a blocklist.

            Back to your idea, remaping KBM to our virtual controller. First, you need to initialize your devices correctly. You can use [Device detection] to know who is who if device names don't state that clearly. Then, group up your keyboard and mouse devices. In case of problems check case #24 here.

            Once the group of devices is created, you need to apply the config to this group exactly.


            • #7
              Indeed. Seems to be workin now. Thank you!
              I am not fully confortablke wiuth how is workin but Destiny is detectin it and basic stuff is workin.
              Do you / anyone one knows a comunity profile that works out of the box for Destiny 2 ?

              PS: Unfortunately none of the comunity setups I tested are workin 100% .... need to find one/adapt or create from statch. The one I tested last has some strange inputs for the mouse ...


              • #8
                No one on our team plays Destiny, so the only thing we can recommend is to delve into the community.
                I hope you manage to find something decent.


                • #9
                  Thank you! Will do ... or make one


                  • #10
                    Follow up
                    I do have some questions on a community profile I am testing.
                    1. Right cliek (Aim in Destiny) seems a combo ... anyone knows why ?
                    2. Mouse movement left/right/up/doown does not work - is this one of the advanced licence .. because it seems mapped ? Out of curiosity what is the specific of this ?

                    If is abbout the advanced feature ....Can I get the advanced features in the Trial version ?
                    If not possible and I buy them to see .. can I get a refund if this will not work ?

                    Click image for larger version

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Size:	1.04 MB
ID:	239805


                    • #11
                      To emulate reWASD virtual right stick Advanced Mapping feature is required. Please note that each group of additional features in reWASD includes a 3-day trial period. So, you don't need to purchase a feature just to try it out.
                      Go to License tab and check if Advanced Mapping feature is activated.

                      According to the screenshot, the right click is adjusted as Jump to Shift. It is most likely that another shift has a different sensitivity or any other mappings there. This case is described in more detail here.


                      • #12
                        Thank you! Is clear!
                        Unfortunately it seems I activated them all when I installed ... and they expired already ... I did not realised they are on shorter period than the rest (strange ? )


                        • #13
                          This is how it was originally intended. The trial of basic functionality is provided for 7 days, and each additional feature can be tested for 3 days.


                          • #14
                            I see that now


                            • #15
                              Ok. I took a leap of faith and bough the licences.
                              I retested a few profiles and most seem to work ok, however I still dont undestand why on Mouse RightClick (Aim Zoom in in Game), this goes on another Shift2.
                              I see there something that looks (for me) like not using the controller but the Mouse as standard.

                              Miron4ik42 as you replied to me ... below is Shift2.
                              Why would the creator want to give up the controller Aim Assist and move to a shift without it when AimZooming in ?

                              PS: I see this on a few profiles, so is not a mistake.

                              Click image for larger version

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Views:	238
Size:	1.05 MB
ID:	239812

