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Problem with Rewasd on shadow cloud gaming service

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  • Problem with Rewasd on shadow cloud gaming service

    Basically when i try to use rewasd with shadow and i go to detect devices mouse is seen as keyboard or vice versa its both 1 active device so if i go to detect device press on mouse its same as with keyboard need help tryed on discord support they said cant help idk what to do this is only way i can use rewasd on my pc i cant only shadow cloud

  • #2
    Hey there!

    Open Preferences → General → Clear data.
    After restarting reWASD, initialize the devices from scratch.

    Also, please record the entire process on video so that we can take a closer look at your issue.​


    • #3
      I Already tried that


      • #4
        I cant record but basically this when going detect devices this flashing thing its the same for my mouse and keyboard its this same device Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	97
Size:	308.7 KB
ID:	242833


        • #5
          In device manager i also have HID Compliant mouse which is not being detected only a device named "PS/2 Compatible mouse" something like that


          • #6
            Are you using a laptop? Laptops usually have the keyboard and touchpad identified as the same device. If you don't need a touchpad, initialize the device as a keyboard. Otherwise, initialize the device as a mouse and remap the keyboard keys via the additional mouse buttons menu (second icon at the right side of the app).

            In the case of cloud gaming platforms, make sure to run reWASD on a client PC and set up the cloud service client to use the virtual controller created by reWASD.


            • #7
              I am not using a laptop can you help more with the "In the case of cloud gaming platforms, make sure to run reWASD on a client PC and set up the cloud service client to use the virtual controller created by reWASD." ? ? i mean elaborate more


              • #8
                reWASD must be installed on your PC, not on the virtual machine you see when starting the Shadow Cloud gaming client.


                • #9
                  yes and then what ?


                  • #10
                    And then consult the Shadow Cloud manual or contact their support team for instructions on setting the client to use reWASD's virtual controller.​


                    • #11
                      ohh so your saying like to basically setup the controller on my pc and then it goes through to the shadow ?


                      • #12
                        Is that what you mean ?


                        • #13
                          Yes, that is exactly what I mean.


                          • #14
                            ALright thanks il try that


                            • #15
                              Doesnt work as it should its very slow moving the mouse like it moves very very slow

