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Rewasd Installation Issue

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  • Rewasd Installation Issue


    I install with the setup, but I get the following error - "windows cannot access specified device, path or file you may not have appropriate permission"

    I have tried running as admin, but it doesn't work. Then I tried installing .NET manually, but no luck.

    Even after getting this error, it gets installed but then when i try to run it I get the "rewasd background agent could not start" error

    Please help​
    Last edited by brainsharp; 06.06.2024, 13:04.

  • #2
    The cause of permission issues usually happen due to anti-virus, security, or some other third-party software interference.
    Disabling those before installing and starting reWASD is usually a solution.

    But if that would not work, it would only leave the option of doing a clean reinstall of Windows.

    Please note that reWASD might not work on "Lite" or custom versions of Windows, as they usually lack required components.

