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Can you create a one way hold shift mode? (Dual sense)

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  • Can you create a one way hold shift mode? (Dual sense)

    I saw a post claiming this was impossible a couple of years ago and I was wondering if it is possible now.

    I am on a PS5 controller. I have L2 as my shift mode button, and have square, circle, triangle, and X as basic keybinds in both my main and shift modes.

    My issue is, I can both hold L2 and then press a button like X to toggle this, or hold X and then press L2 to toggle this. The next press always cancels the previous one.

    Is there any way for me to make it so I can only hold L2 press X and that’s it? A one way toggle where you disable binds on the main mode buttons when the shift mode button is held?

    If it is still impossible please let me know. Thanks

  • #2
    I'm not sure that I fully understood your issue. Could you provide a link to the old post and also record a video of your problem?

    Thanks in advance.​


    • #3
      Here is the first post explaining the same idea (I think it's the same idea but I could be wrong): Stop an Input while its being held. - reWASD Forum

      Here is the screen recording I could create. If it is not sufficient, please let me know: reWASDTest - Can you create a one way hold shift mode? (Dual sense) Forum, 10/18/2024

      I have up on the d-pad bound to 1. I have L2 as my shift mode button. I have L2+up bound to 5.

      When I press up, it types 1.
      When I hold up, it types multiple 1s.
      When I hold L2 and press up very quickly, it types a 5. ​
      When I hold L2 and hold up, it types multiple 5s.


      When I hold up and press L2, it will first type multiple 1s, and then once L2 is pressed it will override the 1s and instead type 5s.
      When I hold L2 and press up, but leave up pressed for a short moment after (idk what it is in real time but it's in milliseconds I'm guessing) it will type a 5 and then type a 1.

      This is an issue for games where I want triangle to be my primary weapon, but also have it be L2+triangle for an ability. I enter the ability, but then immediately pull out my primary. I think I am asking for an option where once L2 and my target button are pressed in shift mode, it kills the button in the main mode.


      What I am asking for is present in a game like Escape From Tarkov with its combo keybinds. T toggles your flashlight on or off. Alt+T toggles the flashlight mode. When I press T, it toggles the flashlight. When I press Alt+T, it changes the mode. Holding Alt and then holding T will toggle the flashlight mode, keep Alt held for future combos, but kill the T key from working afterwards when I keep it held, whether I am holding Alt or not.

      Does something like this exist within the options? I am not the best at combing these features and I have searched the available options and resources and found nothing. I apologize if I have explained this poorly.

      If something like this is impossible, and I simply have to make sure that I am not holding the key afterwards, please let me know. Thank you.


      • #4
        Thanks for the detailed explanation. Do you have this option enabled?
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	122
Size:	89.8 KB
ID:	244172
        If yes, try disabling it and apply the changes.​

