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Shift modifiers not working on virtual controller?

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  • Shift modifiers not working on virtual controller?

    I have a setup where when I press left or right trigger, it shifts to profile 1 (left) and 2 (right) which have lower sensitivity on the right stick for aiming and hip firing a weapon in Destiny 2.

    This works perfectly, however when I make a macro on the left bumper of double click to run, pause melee, while this macro works, the shifting to the lower sensitivity doesn't seem to work.

    The macro seems to make a virtual controller, and the shifting for lower sensitivity isn't applied. I have tested this in the windows game controller testing.

    e.g. when I don't have the macro/virtual controller, pulling the trigger reduces the input from the right stick, but on virtual controller, pulling the trigger makes no change to the right stick sensitivity.

    I really need this to work, can you help?


  • #2

    Right now, reWASD doesn't let you change the stick response curve for virtual controller. When you add a macro, reWASD switches your controller inputs to virtual ones that is why you see the changes in Stick moves.
    We are working on this functionality and will add it to the next release that is coming at the beginning of March. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Until the next version release, I would suggest you two options:

    (1) Switch to mouse moves for your stick:

    1. Map Mouse to Stick moves
    2. Unmap All 4 Stick directions
    3. Adjust Mouse Sensitivity option for this Stick in Main and Shift or Adjust Stick Response curve that also works for mouse mapped to Stick

    This will allow you to move in the game with different sensitivity using mouse instead of native stick.


    Another solution, try not to hide the physical controller after you apply the config with combos. In this case, you won't lose the settings you have for your sticks. However, unfortunately, some games are not able to detect inputs from two controllers simultaneously, so it may lead to other issues.

    Hope this temporary solution will help you for now.
    Last edited by reWASDer; 08.02.2019, 22:49.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post

      Right now, reWASD doesn't let you change the stick response curve for virtual controller. When you add a macro, reWASD switches your controller inputs to virtual ones that is why you see the changes in Stick moves.
      We are working on this functionality and will add it to the next release that is coming at the beginning of March. Sorry for the inconvenience.

      Until the next version release, I would suggest you two options:

      (1) Switch to mouse moves for your stick:

      1. Map Mouse to Stick moves
      2. Unmap All 4 Stick directions
      3. Adjust Mouse Sensitivity option for this Stick in Main and Shift or Adjust Stick Response curve that also works for mouse mapped to Stick

      This will allow you to move in the game with different sensitivity using mouse instead of native stick.


      Another solution, try not to hide the physical controller after you apply the config with combos. In this case, you won't lose the settings you have for your sticks. However, unfortunately, some games are not able to detect inputs from two controllers simultaneously, so it may lead to other issues.

      Hope this temporary solution will help you for now.
      Thank you for the reply, I'm glad it wasn't just me doing it wrongly. Destiny will not allow this solution. So I will need to wait.

      I have a suggested feature for you, to be able to change profile on the low medium or high trigger threshold. This would be useful to shift profile to lower sensitivity for hip firing without applying the full aim on a soft trigger press, and the default aim on a full press. Thanks.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Mrcellophane1978 View Post
        Thank you for the reply, I'm glad it wasn't just me doing it wrongly. Destiny will not allow this solution. So I will need to wait.
        Sorry for the inconvenience. I will let you know once the new version is available.

        Originally Posted by Mrcellophane1978 View Post
        I have a suggested feature for you, to be able to change profile on the low medium or high trigger threshold. This would be useful to shift profile to lower sensitivity for hip firing without applying the full aim on a soft trigger press, and the default aim on a full press. Thanks.
        Just to be sure: are you about Shift modifier mapped to Trigger zone? This feature is in our to-do list, but I can't promise you that it will be added to reWASD soon.


        • #5
          Yes, like low trigger zone mapped to one shift modifier, medium another, high another, etc. Also you need more than the current, 0,1,2,3,4. That's not enough for complex modifiers!
          Also shift modifiers for thumbstick directions (up/down/left/right) would also be good. Thanks.


          • #6
            Oh yes, and I also noticed that if I want to add a modifier to a button e.g. double click left trigger to fire another button, I can no longer also use that button as a shift modifier. Is that right? Can the same button be a double click, and a shift modifer? Thanks.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Mrcellophane1978 View Post
              Yes, like low trigger zone mapped to one shift modifier, medium another, high another, etc. Also you need more than the current, 0,1,2,3,4. That's not enough for complex modifiers!
              Also shift modifiers for thumbstick directions (up/down/left/right) would also be good. Thanks.
              We will try to implement this feature as soon as possible Are you talking about more zones or more Shifts that can be used inside one config?


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Mrcellophane1978 View Post
                Oh yes, and I also noticed that if I want to add a modifier to a button e.g. double click left trigger to fire another button, I can no longer also use that button as a shift modifier. Is that right? Can the same button be a double click, and a shift modifer? Thanks.
                Once you choose the button as a modifier, you can't map anything to it inside this Shift. However, you can switch to the main section (0), and add any mappings to all 6 activators, including double press, there. In this case, once you double click the modifier - you get some new action. Once you press and hold it - it is used as a normal Shift.


                • #9
                  Ok, so I tried this and couldn't get it to work, but maybe it's because of the virtual controller turning on when you create double taps and combos. In my game (Destiny 2) rewasd works fine until the virtual controller comes on with certain setups. When is the new version coming out that allows shifts to work on the virtual controller?



                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Mrcellophane1978 View Post
                    Ok, so I tried this and couldn't get it to work, but maybe it's because of the virtual controller turning on when you create double taps and combos. In my game (Destiny 2) rewasd works fine until the virtual controller comes on with certain setups. When is the new version coming out that allows shifts to work on the virtual controller?



                    • #11
                      Great ok thanks.


                      • #12
                        Hello again! Today, we have released reWASD 4.1 that brings all stick response adjustments from the physical to virtual controller. You may use controller combos and Shift mode again Would be grateful if you try it in action.

                        In this post, you can learn more about the update.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
                          Hello again! Today, we have released reWASD 4.1 that brings all stick response adjustments from the physical to virtual controller. You may use controller combos and Shift mode again Would be grateful if you try it in action.

                          In this post, you can learn more about the update.
                          Thanks I will try.

