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Option to not re-fire held buttons when returning from Hold Shift multi-button combo

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  • Option to not re-fire held buttons when returning from Hold Shift multi-button combo

    I am unsure if this is a bug report or a feature request, so I'll assume the latter and post it here. From this thread it appears I am hitting either a bug or a limitation. I have set a two-button combo when R1+L1 are held, which launches a Hold Shift. When releasing the buttons to release the Shift layer, unless I am extremely precise with my finger timing, either R1 or L1 re-fires immediately upon returning to the default control layer. Unfortunately this is resulting in some misfiring game actions that I'd really badly like to stop happening. Doubly unfortunate, my finger reflexes ain't what they used to be in my age, and the older I get, the stiffer they become.

    If this is intentional, I'd like to request a feature/option to disable auto-firing of any buttons that are held at the time of a Hold Shift release. Thank you.

  • #2
    This option can be disabled in reWASD:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	217
Size:	74.8 KB
ID:	237959
    However, you are referencing this topic, which is related to shortcuts, where in both layers your bumpers perform a native function.
    And in this case, the result you get is normal.​


    • #3
      That option is already disabled, unfortunately. First thing I tried, and it does not make a difference.

