I'm on reWASD 6.0 I'm using shift modifiers with my dual sense controller . When i create a shift modifier overly on the pop up menu where it says
Use as Shift modifier
above that is
Add description there I've wrote " Driving "
but when i active the shift overlay i see on my screen bottom right corner the overlay is active and the colour but not the description I've added just " dual sense Shift 3 is active it doesn't say
" Driving "
I'm on reWASD 6.0 I'm using shift modifiers with my dual sense controller . When i create a shift modifier overly on the pop up menu where it says
Use as Shift modifier
above that is
Add description there I've wrote " Driving "
but when i active the shift overlay i see on my screen bottom right corner the overlay is active and the colour but not the description I've added just " dual sense Shift 3 is active it doesn't say
" Driving "